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Our history

In the Metzgerwirt building, in 1416 there were the writing rooms in the mine and melting works.
In 1658 it was also listed in documents as a butchery and meat hall.
In 1760 the smelting works burned down and were not re-built.
In 1805 the mine was closed.

After a chequered history, with many owners and leaseholders, in 1935 the inn and butchery which was on the brink of ruin was purchased by Josef Simair.
"If I had have looked at the roof, I certainly wouldn’t have bought it.
Everyone said I was crazy buying such a hovel ".
In 1947/50 the Metzgerwirt was re-built.
In 1967 Josef Simair handed over the business to his son Christian, saying:
"I’ll say one thing, it won’t be long until tourism takes off”
Christian expanded and modernised the building in 1969 and 1973 and closed down the butchery, setting up a hospitality business.

After additional small renovation work, in 1989 purchased the neighbouring Erich Miksch hotel, a guesthouse which had 40 beds.
In 1990 both buildings were adjoined using a central section, extensively refurbished and provided with numerous facilities to see to the welfare of its guests. In 2000 his son, Christian jun. take over the business and manages with a great deal of care and attention, providing a great deal of time for his guests.


Entspannt genießen.

31 Seilbahnen & Lifte mit nur 1 Ticket.

Urlaub Buchen

Metzgerwirt ****
Fam. Simair
Pöllmühle 7
6365 Kirchberg in Tirol
Phone: +43 (0) 5357 2325
Fax: +43 (0) 5357 2325 49
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